Thursday, January 9, 2014

Reexperience Room

Are you yearning to reexperience some form of Room by Emma Donahughe?

Are you longing for a closer connection to the book?

Do you fancy your self a minimalist?

Look no further ladies and gentlemen, the Room Survival Challenge is here.

Within the challenge you must live within a replica of the room mentioned within the story for 1 month. The rules, conditions, and guidlines will be as stated below.

1. No contact with the outside world other than your weekly Sunday visit from "Old Nick"

2. You may not bring anything from the outside world with you to room other than the clothes you wear on your back. (One regular outfit.)

3.  You may not leave until your time is up.

Please contact your local 'Room' Experience provider to set up a date.

Good luck!


     I came up with this idea for a fan experience as I thought about what it would be like to be stuck in 'Room'. I think this experience could satiate the curiosity within many readers to understand what it might feel like to experience being in a room with no human contact.

     Of course this idea would not exactly represent the story but you couldn't very well have anyone repeat the contents exactly. This is about as close as one could get to the story without experiencing something truly horrific.

1 comment:

  1. This is kind of ridiculous but would deffinintly be the best way to understand and experience the book. It is almost kind of funny that you contact a "local Room experience provider" to pay people to hold you captive. But I know where you are coming from, pretty cool and intense idea
